Small Entryway Inspiration

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I have an entryway, but the area that could be used for storage is really really tight. Like less than 12 inches deep.

I am so embarrassed about how the space currently looks. It is a total mess. Shoes everywhere. Paper bags, reusable bags, tools, miscellaneous things that need to go to goodwill. If you don’t live in California, let me tell you what’s happening. There are laws being passed here that require customers to pay .10 cents for bags at the store. So this is the reason for my paper bag forest. I can’t tell you how weird it feels as a customer to go into a nice home goods or clothing store and buy an expensive item to “treat yourself” only to have to pay .10 cents for a bag or carry your purchase out in your hands. I understand pollution problems, and I’m on board with that in most cases. But there should be some stores that are exempt from this rule. My opinion.

ANYWAY… back to entryways. In my little 12 inch space, I need storage for shoes, aforementioned paper/reusable bags, and maybe a place to hang jackets. So, I’ve been surfing the web (does anyone say that anymore?) for inspiration and this is what I found.

Love these two a lot. Not sure if baskets would work for the shoe storage though.


Like the idea of a lucite table that doesn’t take up room visually.


Maybe some kind of skirted console to hide some shoe shelving…


Thoughts? Any tricky ideas you want to share?


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  1. Pingback: Small Entryway Makeover: Before and After - Start With Four Walls

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