Decor as Weaponry: aka Maleficent’s House

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Is it just me or does it seem like decor is trending toward harsher and harder items, things that could hurt you if you accidentally lost your footing and fell. I have to admit that I am loving it. Especially when you pair the hard and soft items together; the spikes of a sea urchin with a super plush blanket or pillow. It makes the plush seem plushier.

Most of this decor is fit for any villain’s house/castle. The fact that I love it so much makes me wonder, in a Disney movie would I be…

The heroine or the villain?

Maybe I’m the villain trying really hard to be the heroine?

Or the heroine trying to supress the dark side?

All I know for sure is that I like dark decor. Not gloomy. Edgy.


1) Spikes: Sea urchins, spikey objects, succulents with spikes, etc.

decor as weaponry

Image Via Hillary Thomas Lamps from Ro Sham Beaux


2) Arrows: All the huntsmen use them


3) Rocks, gemstones, geodes



4) Antlers and various taxidermy of things with horns (as a villain, you don’t want to have the only pair of horns in your house, but you do want everyone to know that yours are better than theirs…).

What do you think of this trend? Would you be happy in Maleficent’s house, or would you rather live in the castle with Aurora? I might do a six month split…


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